Databases on Trial

The Library arranges a trial access (for a limited time) to different potential databases and other electronic resources of possible interest to the Institute to evaluate them and consider for subscription. Once the trial expires, the database may or may not be added to the Library's list of permanent databases.

Artstor: It is the most extensive image resource for educational and scholarly use. We bring together media from top museums, archives, scholars, and artists, with a specialized suite of tools for teaching and learning with visual materials — all rights-cleared for education and research. Artstor's diverse collection of more than two million high-quality, rights-cleared images are now discoverable on JSTOR.

This collection helps support active learning, engage students with diverse primary sources, and build critical skills—whether in the classroom or online.

It also enhances learning across disciplines. From current events to the ancient world, from the humanities to the sciences and beyond, there's more to Artstor than art!

Please explore this rich collection and let us know how useful it would be for your teaching, learning and research.

GeoScienceWorld - an useful resource for Earth Science Research

GeorScienceWorld: A unique nonprofit collaborative of 37 society publishers, GeoScienceWorld (GSW) is an essential resource for anyone that relies on high-quality, peer-reviewed geoscience content.

Journals: This platform offers a comprehensive resource of journals for researchers in the Earth Sciences providing access to over 2.15 lakh articles from 50+ Journals

The GeoRef: Established by the American Geosciences Institute, GeoRef contains 4.5 million references to journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses, and grows by more than 100,000 references each year. The GeoRef database covers the geology of North America from 1666 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present. The database includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey. Masters' theses and doctoral dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities are also covered.

This trial access is valid till 15th December 2023.