Institute : IIT Kharagpur
City : Kharagpur
Title ISSN E-ISSN Availability Holdings Publisher Action
Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 1079-5006 Online Not Available Gerontological Society of America
Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 1079-5014 Online Not Available Gerontological Society of America
JSTOR Online Not Available ITHAKA
Knowledge Engineering Review 0269-8889 1469-8005 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology 1473-0197 1473-0189 Online Not Available Royal Society of Chemistry
Language and Cognition 1369-4154 2044-2394 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Language in Society 0047-4045 1469-8013 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Language Learning 0023-8333 1467-9922 Online Not Available John Wiley and Sons Inc
Language Teaching and ReCALL Package 0958-3440 1474-0109 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Language Variation and Change 0954-3945 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Laser and Particle Beams 0263-0346 1469-803X Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Lasers in Engineering 0898-1507 1029-029X Online Not Available Old City Publishing
Law and History Review 0738-2480 1939-9022 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Law, Probability and Risk 1470-8396 1470-840X Online Not Available Oxford University Press
Leading Edge (Tulsa, OK) 1070-485X Online Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Legal Information Management 1472-6696 1741-2021 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Legal Theory 1352-3252 1469-8048 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Leiden Journal of International Law 0922-1565 1478-9698 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 0075-8744 1758-437X Online Not Available Oxford University Press
Letters in Applied Microbiology 0266-8254 1472-765X Online Not Available John Wiley and Sons Inc
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