Union Catalogue of E-Resources is a major database covering current e-journal collection available in 22 major science & technology academic libraries, mainly IITs, IISc and IISERs in India. It is an important, collective and collaborative initiative undertaken by the library professionals working in these Institutions. To begin with, this catalogue aims to serve as a tool for promoting efficient handling of Document Delivery Service and help plan to develop e-resource collection among these 22 libraries. Currently, this database focusses mainly on e-journal collection and therefore includes the names of major e-journal collections (e.g. ACM Digital Library, ASME Digital Collection, ASCE Library etc.) and does not list individual titles covered in such collections. Besides these, where only selected individual titles are subscribed by the contributing libraries, such titles have been included to reflect the completeness of the collection. As of now, this catalogue has 1114 unique titles, of which 255 are major e-journal collections and 859 are individual titles of e-journals. An attempt has been made here to make this database as comprehensive as possible, to maintain consistency in rendering title of each resource and other related details. Information covered in the database is mainly based on what has been provided by the contributing libraries and what was available on the respective websites at the time of compilation. Given that, this is a first collaborative effort of this nature, this database is far from complete in terms of coverage of data with respect to resources subscribed and accuracy of holding details. As you may find, this is a simple database focusing only on e-journal collection and covering a small set of libraries (22 to begin with), and meant to be used by library professionals within our libraries for facilitating speedy delivery of Document Delivery Service. This provides simple search and browse facilities. A small instruction manual has been provided to enable easy access to the database, and to contribute, edit, update your holdings data and make email based requests for articles at that point of time. A directory of participating libraries in this initiative has also been provided. With your unstinted support, collaboration and valued suggestions, we hope to make further improvements in the functionalities of the database and expand to cover more resources and libraries in the time to come. All communications with respect to this database and the data covered may be sent to librarian@iitgn.ac.in |