Institute : IISER Pune
City : Pune
Title ISSN E-ISSN Availability Holdings Publisher Action
Scientific American 0036-8733 Online Not Available Nature Publishing Group
Scientific American (Archives Collection) 0036-8733 Online Not Available Scientific American, Inc.
SciFinder Online Not Available American Chemical Society
Scopus Online Not Available Elsevier
Sedimentology 0037-0746 Online Not available John Wiley and Sons Inc
Seismological Research Letters 0895-0695 Online Not Available Seismological Society of America
SIAM Journals Online Online Not Available Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Small 1613-6829 Online Not available John Wiley and Sons Inc
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1749-5024 1749-5016 Online Not available Oxford University Press
Space Weather 1542-7390 Online Not available American Geophysical Union
Spece Weather 1542-7390 Online Not Available American Geophysical Union
SPIE Digital Library Online Not Available International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
SPIE Letters Online Not Available International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
SPIE Reviews 1946-3251 Online Not Available International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
Springer Journals (BioMedical and Life Sciences Collection) Online Not Available Springer
St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1061-0022 1547-7371 Online Not Available American Mathematical Society
Statistics and its Interface 1938-7989 1938-7997 Online Not Available International Press
Stem Cells 1549-4918 Online Not available John Wiley and Sons Inc
Stochastic and Dynamics 0219-4937 Online Not Available World Scientific Publishing
Stochastics and Dynamics 0219-4937 Online Not Available World Scientific Publishing
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