Institute : IIT Kharagpur
City : Kharagpur
Title ISSN E-ISSN Availability Holdings Publisher Action
Economic Outlook (CMIE) Online Not Available Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)
Economica 0013-0427 1468-0335 Online Not Available John Wiley and Sons Inc
Economics and Philosophy 0266-2671 1474-0028 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
ECS Digital Library Online Not Available Electrochemical Society
Edinburgh Journal of Botany 0960-4286 1474-0036 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Education in Chemistry 0013-1350 Online Not Available Royal Society of Chemistry
Eighteenth-Century Music 1478-5706 1478-5714 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi) 0424-7760 1520-6416 Online Not Available John Wiley and Sons Inc
Electroanalysis 1521-4109 Online Not Available John Wiley and Sons Inc
Electrophoresis 0173-0835 1522-2683 Online Not Available John Wiley and Sons Inc
Elements 1811-5209 Online Mineralogical Society of America
ELT Journal 0951-0893 1477-4526 Online Not Available Oxford University Press
Emerald Insight Online Not Available Emerald Group Publishing
Energy and Environmental Sciences 1754-5692 Online Not Available Royal Society of Chemistry
Energy Line India Database Online Not Available India Manufacturers and India Suppliers
English Historical Review 0013-8266 1477-4534 Online Not Available Oxford University Press
English Language and Linguistics 1360-6743 1469-4379 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
English Today 0266-0784 Online Not Available Cambridge University Press
English: Journal of Literary Criticism 0013-8215 Online Not Available Oxford University Press
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1540-6520 Online Not Available John Wiley and Sons Inc
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